Reception: modernisation and digitalisation of visitor processes

Effective and secure visitor management is an essential part of any modern organisation. Evenaut presents the Reception application, which brings digitalization and streamlining of processes related to registration and management of visitors. This application has been successfully deployed at several of our customers, resulting in a significantly improved visitor experience and increased security.

The Reception application is designed to simplify and streamline the processes associated with receiving and managing visitors in the organization. It allows visitors to easily register, manage visitor passes and communicate with hosts. The application also provides tools for monitoring and managing visitor data, ensuring security and accuracy of records.

One of our customers has deployed the Reception app in their offices in several countries. With the app, visitors can easily perform self-service check-in at the front desk, which has significantly reduced wait times and improved the overall visit experience. The app also allows for automatic notifications to be sent to hosts, ensuring that they are notified in real-time when a visitor arrives.

Another example is a technology company that uses the Reception app to provide security on its premises. The app provides tools to track and manage all visitors, allowing potential security risks to be quickly identified and addressed. As a result, the company has been able to increase the level of security while improving the organization and management of visitor processes.

Key features and benefits of Reception

  • Easy visitor registration: visitors can do self-service registration using tablets or kiosks.
  • Security check: Need to fill out forms, watch safety video, etc.
  • Visitor pass management: automatic issuance and management of visitor passes.
  • Communication with hosts: Automatically send notifications to hosts when a visitor arrives.
  • Data monitoring and management: accurate recording and tracking of visitor data.
  • Increase security: quickly identify and address security risks.

The Reception application provides a modern and efficient solution for managing visitor processes. The successful deployment of this application with our customers has led to a significant improvement in the visitor experience and increased security. The Reception application simplifies the registration and management of visitors, enabling organisations to provide better service while ensuring security and accuracy of records. For more information and consultation, contact us at

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