Gemba: A revolution in safety and efficiency monitoring in the workplace

In today's era where effective process management and workplace safety are key success factors, Evenaut's Gemba app is an innovative solution for monitoring and improving operational processes. This multi-platform app, which works on all major systems including iOS, Android, Windows and Mac, has been successfully deployed at several of our customers. The result is a significant improvement in workplace efficiency and safety.

The Gemba application is designed to provide managers and workers with the tools to effectively monitor and report safety risks and operational issues directly from the scene. Users can easily submit risk reports, track their status and provide feedback. The application also allows for automated emails to be sent to responsible parties based on specified parameters, ensuring quick and efficient problem resolution.

One of our customers is a major automotive parts manufacturer that has deployed Gemba in its plants across Europe. With Gemba, workers can quickly report safety hazards and operational issues, which has led to a 25% reduction in workplace injuries and increased overall operational efficiency. Managers now have visibility of all reports and can take immediate action to improve safety and efficiency.

Another example is an electronics manufacturer that uses Gemba to monitor safety practices at its plants in Asia and the US. The app allows employees to easily report issues and track their resolution, which has led to increased process transparency and better employee engagement. The result has been a 30% reduction in safety incidents and improved work morale.

Key features and benefits of Gemba

  • Multiplatform support: The app is available on all major systems.
  • Personalised content: personalised to the logged-in user.
  • Automated reporting: Users report risks by selecting a location, the system automatically informs the responsible persons.
  • Data management and analysis: The ability to monitor the status of reports, report history and clear analysis of the data collected.
  • Safety and efficiency: helps reduce the risk of accidents and improve operational efficiency.

Evenaut’s Gemba app has proven to be an invaluable tool for improving safety and efficiency in the workplace. Thanks to successful deployments with our customers, we are seeing significant improvements in safety management and operational processes. The Gemba application provides managers and workers with the tools they need to effectively monitor and resolve issues in real-time, leading to increased productivity and safety. If you would like more information or a consultation, please feel free to contact us at

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